FPGA devices heat up when you run them at fast clock speed. In case it would cause a problem, you would need to release heat from them.
In this page, I would like to show you that our XCM-112 which heats up by GTX transceivers.



We used a IBERT to prepare a "heating design" using CoreGen. Two channels are configured with 6.25Gbps rate. It is the maximum rate can be set with on-board 125MHz reference clock. The each channel are looped back externally using a base board (ZKB-103) and SMA cables.


Thermal Image without Heat Sink

XCM-112 heats up to about 100 degrees Celsius in about 10 minutes after configuration.


Thermal Image with Heat Sink

We used a Malico Inc.'s heat sink and a fixture.

Part No. : MBA23001-15W/2.5BU+AT900A

Thermal Image with Heat Sink and Airflow

No specific airflow volume data. We just used a table fan. 



XCM-112 is a useful half-credit-card size board, therefore has small thermal capacity than XCM-022 for example.
Please take care of heat of your design.



For your questions, please feel free to contact us.


[kw] 2014-01-20 XCM-112 heat IBERT transceiver GTX RocketIO

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