Altera Cyclone 10 LP PLCC68 FPGA Module

Cyclone 10 ft-PLCC68


AP68-09 offers you useful 68pin PLCC FPGA module of Altera high performance Cyclone 10 LP.
It's very compact size so you can use AP68-09 in universal board by using DIP PLCC socket. Only one 3.3V single power supply is required. There are 50 user I/Os divided into two Vccio group, an oscillator and a configuration device on it.

  • Rev3: The production of the Power IC (Enpirion) on the board was discontinued. So the part has been changed to the alternative and the board was revised. For more details, please refer to the circuit schematics.
  • Rev2: Due to a discontinuance of configuration device, EPCQ32SI8N, the device on this board is changed to the alternative part, EPCQ32ASI8N.

Top Side

Altera Cyclone 10 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09
Click to Zoom


Bottom Side

Altera  Cyclone 10 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09
Click to Zoom


With Through hole PLCC socket



  • Altera Cyclone 10 LP
    - 10CL006YU256C8G
    - 10CL010YU256C8G
    - 10CL016YU256C8G
    - 10CL025YU256C8G
    Feature 10CL006 10CL010 10CL016 10CL025
    Logic Elements 6,272 10,320 15,408 24,624
    M9K Blocks (kb) 270 414 504 594
    18x18 Multipliers 15 23 56 66
    PLL 2 2 4 4
    Maximum user I/O pins (Device) 176 176 162 150
    Maximum user I/O pins (Board) 50 50 50 50
This table is for reference. Please refer to official datasheets for certain information.
  • PLCC 68pin package
  • Configuration device
    Rev2~: EPCQ32A (Intel, 32Mbit)
    Rev1: EPCQ32 (Altera, 32Mbit)
  • 3.3 V single power supply operation with on-board 1.2 V and 2.5 V regulators
  • Separated Vccio (VIO(A) and VIO(B))
  • On-board Oscillator, 50MHz (LVTTL)
  • User Switch x1 (DIP)
  • User LED x2
  • Status LED x1 (Config Done:Green)
  • Power-on Reset IC for stable FPGA configuration
  • High quality eight layers PCB. (Immersion gold)
  • Compact PLCC size 25.3 x 25.3 mm
  • Tested all I/O
  • RoHS compliance

Package Contents

Item Image Quantity
FPGA Module (AP68-09-**) Altera  Cyclone 10 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09 1

There is no paper document such as user's manual and circuit schematic in the package.
Please download those documents from the link in the documentation section below.


Price and Accessories

Description Model
(order code)
FPGA List price
Stock Status
Cyclone 10 LP U256 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09-06 10CL006YU256C8G
Cyclone 10 LP U256 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09-10 10CL010YU256C8G
Cyclone 10 LP U256 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09-16 10CL016YU256C8G
Cyclone 10 LP U256 PLCC68 FPGA Module AP68-09-25 10CL025YU256C8G
Universal board for AP/XP PLCC68 Module ZKB-092 -




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